Well, since Christmas I've become a big fan of my newest toy, a Kindle. After 3 botched attempts at registering it (and feeling like a techno-dud), a kind colleague of my husband's helped out. Boy am I glad she did. Minxie (my new Kindle's name) and I are now inseparable. She also has a snazzy red cover and allows me to stash my written to-do list inside her cover. Downsizing is very important to me! What's great is I can read my bible on the way into work and then squeeze half an hour of reading in my lunch break or on the way home from work (the benefits of commuting by train).
I've just finished a great book, but Aussie author, Anna Funder - All that I am. The storyline is framed around historic facts and documents that the author researched and follows the 3 main characters - Ruth, Dora and Toller - all of whom are Germans resistent to all the evils of the Nazi regime. They end up being scattered to London, Paris and New York and Australia - all the while doing what they can to make others (including the Allied governments) aware of what is going on inside Germany (prior to WW2). It was a compelling read - certainly had its black moments, but filled some large gaps that I had in European history. The biggest realisation I came to is that if we allow ourselves to swayed by clever arguments (without seeking to have an educated understanding of things), then by our complacency we could be contributing to a potentially scary future . The biggest weapon a corrupt leader has is a majority of complacent people who don't question his actions.
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